FAST FIVE for the week of May 19, 2013

New Coop System: The University of Waterloo has signed an agreement with Orbis to deliver a new co-operative education and career action system. Waterloo coop system

eduroaming on a Sunday: An enlightening blog post from Chris Phillips highlights the continuing worldwide growth of eduroam as a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week service: eduroam usage

Testing the alert system: Douglas College ran its first ever lockdown drill last week. The successful test used their DC Alerts system to send out text, email, and voicemail messages to all faculty, staff, and students at their New Westminister campus. DC Alerts

HPCS conference: The annual High Performance Computing Symposium (HPCS) will be held June 2-6 in Ottawa this year. The symposium brings supercomputing researchers from all disciplines to discuss high performance computational research. HPCS 2013

Interesting stats: IT Systems & Services at the University of PEI now publishes a daily status board that includes email and wireless stats. The email stats show the vast number of emails received vs. blocked and the wireless stats show user and traffic volume. System Status Board