FAST FIVE for the week of July 7, 2013

New graduate studies system: The University of Lethbridge has implemented an online graduate studies application system designed to improve its graduate program.  The new process will improve the conversion rate of applicants to registered graduate students by making the application process as clear and seamless as possible. Moreover, the new system will reduce turnaround time in the application process by up to six weeks, thereby improving efficiency of the University. Faster and better grad applications

Celebrating success: The University of New Brunswick IT Services department has posted an infographic to celebrate their accomplishments. Information includes metrics on the success of the portal implementation, the effort to move to cloud services, and the utilization of ongoing help and support services. UNB infographic

Interview with a client: Dalhousie University has published an interview with a client of their new Microsoft Office 365 cloud service. This interview highlights the value of the new service from a user perspective. Dalhousie Office 365

Publishing change: The University of Alberta publishes a calendar identifying planned IT changes. The schedule of changes also includes details describing what is happening, who is affected, and what is the impact of the change. UofA change calendar

Security advice: Interesting blog post from the University of Victoria's IT security manager about the complexity of fixing a security issue on campus after it has happened. UVic security