FAST FIVE for the week of January 26, 2014


Student technology fee:

In September 2013 the  University of Winnipeg implemented a student technology fee. These fees have been used to fund technology based service improvements to network services, data storage, wireless, cellular coverage, student computer labs, and DRP services. UW Tech Fee

Wireless infographic:

Carleton University has published an infographic of the history and expansion of wireless services at the institution. Carleton Wireless

Year in review:

The University of Saskatchewan's Information and Communication Technology department has published a review of its progress and successes in the past year. 2013 review

Student applications

BCcampus, a provincial government PSE support organization, has published a multi-year roadmap outlining planned changes to the provincial online student application system. Part of the change includes phasing out the collection of Social Insurance Numbers. Provincial Roadmap

Social media presence:

Western University was ranked by MediaMiser as the top social media university in Canada. Rankings were measured by Facebook and Twitter impact. Tweets'r'us