FAST FIVE for the week of September 23, 2012

iLearn with an iPad: Nipissing University's first year business students each received a free iPad as part of the school's iLearn initiative. iLearn is intended to integrate new technology into the classroom with electronic textbooks, note taking, and online tests. The University will develop apps for the new platform designed to provide measurable benefits for faculty and staff. Nipissing iLearn

Removing Technology for Better Service: The University of Windsor has removed its automated phone tree in the registrar's office to improve service. Because of uWindsor's portal, web site, and mobile app, students have online access to all the information they need. The only reason they call the registrar's office is to talk to a real person, so the menu tree has become redundant. uWindsor gets personal  

Responding to the False Positive: Sophos Anti-Virus released an update last week that generated a false positive for Windows users. Many colleges and universities across Canada issued quick responses, such as the attached notice from Concordia: Sophos oops

Emergency Notification: With large numbers of students returning to campus, schools are issuing reminders to returning students to update their contact information for campus alert systems. SFU has a provides a clear explanation of the need: SFU Alerts 

Student Coaching: Algonquin College is providing coaching assistance to students in the use of teaching and learning technologies such as Blackboard and other college computer resources. The resources are provided in person and through virtual applications. Algonquin assistance technologists

Bonus Weird News: The Google Trike was spotted on campus at Acadia University on September 14. Here's the picture of a Google technician riding the somewhat unusual vehicle: Google goes green

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