FAST FIVE for the week of October 7, 2012

SFU Paints a New Canvas: Simon Fraser University announced it will replace WebCT with the Canvas Learning Management System for course delivery and management. Canvas is a newly developed open source system designed to meet standard LMS requirements as well as integrate with new and emerging technologies. The system was chosen through a broad consultative process and the transition from WebCT is expected to be completed in 2014. SFU's new LMS

A Winning Email System: Student are praising the new University of Windsor email service called UWinGmail. The migration to Google Gmail has proven popular with students because of the improved user experience, greater accessibility, and increased storage capacity. The student migration process to the new email system was implemented using a simple three step process. Migration started in July and is expected to complete in October.   Gmail at UWindsor

Concordia is going mobile: Undergrads student at Concordia University can now perform all their key registration activities through mobile devices. Adding, dropping, and changing courses, as well as viewing their timetable and accessing their grades can be done from their new mobile web site,  Concordia mobile registration system

Systems Event Information: Detailed system status information is available for staff, faculty, and students from Athabasca University at their Systems Status web site. Information about key systems is current and is useful for the many distance learners at the University. The site provides information about all events affecting service and reports on current status. Athabasca's Status

High Performance Computing: Compute Canada has announced its 2013 resource allocation Call for Proposals. Researchers from across Canada are asked to submit their requests for high performance computing resources for the next calendar year. Compute Canada Proposal Call

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