FAST FIVE for the week of March 24, 2013

UBC IT reinvents the classroom:  The University of British Columbia's IT division is providing support to the institution's MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) implementation. They are providing technology support, course content, and media resources for the project. Currently, UBC is delivering four MOOC courses through Coursera.  UBC IT MOOCs

New library system: The University of New Brunswick is moving to a new integrated library system know as Worldshare Management Systems (WMS), which is produced by a company called OCLC. Their library system upgrade will occur this summer and replaces a system originally implemented in 1995. UNB library system

Selecting a new LMS: Ryerson University is investigating new learning management systems (LMSs) and they are holding a series of LMS product demonstrations the week of April 2-9. Systems to be shown include Sakai, Moodle, Blackboard, D2L, OpenClass, and Canvas. Demo Week for LMSs

Research computing news: The University of Saskatchewan's ICT group is publishing a blog dedicated to research computing news on their campus: ICT research computing blog

Centralized PeopleSoft support: The University of Calgary has implemented a new Integrated Service Centre bringing together a family of related help desks into a single location. This new service also includes assistance for the University's PeopleSoft systems. Walk-in ERP support

Moving on: Sean Moriarty, the interim CIO from the University of Windsor, is leaving Canada to assume a full time Chief Technology Officer role at SUNY Oswego. Send-off for Sean

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