FAST FIVE for the week of April 28, 2013

Improving residence processes: The University of Toronto's NGSIS (Next Generation Student Information Systems) program has implemented its MyRes system. The new system is designed to streamline the residence application steps and was developed as part of a process improvement initiative. See page 5 of: Residence process streamlining

Better security: The University of British Columbia Information Technology team has created a unique video on passwords. Great advice presented in a humorous fashion: Strong password advice

Moodle is a hit: Concordia University is upgrading its current version of Moodle to release 2.3. The new version of the Moodle course management system will make it easier and more effective for faculty to manage course content. The new version was piloted with staff and students who feel the system will transform teaching and learning at the University. New Moodle

Campus Technology Day: The University of Windsor is holding its 7th annual campus technology day. Participants include faculty, staff, and students. They will discuss how technology impacts learning, teaching, research, and building community on campus. Technology on campus

Gesture technology in the classroom: Students at Ryerson University are developing a gesture recognition system that can be used from any podium. The intention of this Kinect-based system is to allow the lecturer to control their slide presentation via scrolling, zooming, and highlighting gestures. The lecturer is free to move anywhere in the classroom and still manage the projector.  Teaching and learning gestures

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